Order now your custom video with Bianca and Safa! Dec 20-22
Mail: www.safawarda90@yahoo.com
Author: Ric - FWC
Power Girls Pro Wrestling: customs with Sophii Vassallo!
Instagram model and reality tv star @sophiivassx will be available to referee and valet at our shoot on December 20th !! We have 2 custom match slots to fill. Want to book your dream wrestling match featuring soph as a ref or valet? Email: Powergirlspro@hotmail.com
JFW Customs: Shooting with Bettie Brickhouse Dec 19th!
DECEMBER SHOOT #2 Dec. 19, JFW will have the debut of the Powerful @BettieBrickhous Slots for mixed wrestling customs open.
Email jerseyfantasywrestling@gmail.com for details!
SASS Academy: custom shoot on the 18th!
Next shoot will be 18th where new girl Ebonie will be showing you what she’s got! Order yours NOW!!
Email spiceworldSASS@gmail.com
Power girls pro wrestling: Nadia Sapphire vs Eva!
We are looking for match sponsors for @nadia_sapphire vs Eva at our custom shoot in a few weeks. Each sponsor will be able to add a few parts to this match and will also get a copy of this match.
Email powergirlspro@hotmail.com for more info
Safa Warda: customs with Gia Love, Dec 10th!
Order your custom video with Safa and Gia! Dec 9th and 10th!
Email: www.safawarda90@yahoo.com
Roxanne: custom shoot with Payton Storm!
Payton Storm is available for our custom shoot Dec18th Email roxanne_layne@yahoo.com for details
New England Female Wrestling: greatest custom shoot!
This might be the greatest custom shoot of all time. @DiamanteLAX @HoganKnowsBest3 @MsTPrice @SantanaGarrett_ @MarinaShafir @madi_maxx @kiahdream @salinadelarenta @itsdevlyn and more. Tons of potential match ups. Someone’s going to sleep in this one. Order now. Email: nefemalewrestling@gmail.com
JFW Customs: Karly Salinas and Indica Fetish!
December Shoot #1: @TheKarlySalinas makes her return to JFW, @Indicafetish makes her debut! Open slots for FvF and mixed customs
Email jerseyfantasywrestling@gmail.com for details to order custom with one or both these gorgeous ladies!
Roxanne: Custom Vixen shoot Dec 18th
Custom Vixens next shoot Dec 18th Email me: roxanne_layne@yahoo.com
SASS Academy: custom videos with Missy!
Missy! Our Newest wrestler. Check her out on our website: spiceworldsass.wixsite.com/sassplayspaceandstud She’s feisty and strong.
Available for custom orders December!!
Skylar Rene: Customs with Megan Jones, Dec 14th
Skylarrene@ymail.com <~ to book a double session or order your desired custom video! DEC.14 ONLY! We expect a packed schedule so HURRY UP & BOOK!
Power Girls Pro Wrestling: custom videos
Ever wanted to create your very own dream wrestling match? Now you can 🙂
Pick your wrestlers, write your script including match style, outfits, moves and more. Email powergirlspro@hotmail.com
Bae Fight:
In the next few weeks we have a shoot with Aaliyah and Kat and another with @ama_rioxxx and Demona. Hit us up if you want a custom or to sponsor. BaeFight.com
Yes, both Kat and Demona are new and Ama hasn’t been here for a couple years.
Sexy Fight Dreams: Custom shoot with Alice!
Looking forward to setting up a great custom shoot with Alice by mid-December! There are currently 3 custom slots available. Any taker? Send your script to: Sales@sexyfightdreams.com
Constance: Sasha Steel on Dec 11!
Sashasteel is back and ready to work!
She is available forcustomvideos Dec 11 2021 with yours truly GET those #CUSTOMS in ASAP
EML: constancecakp@gmail.com
Tilly McReese: custom shoot Nov 21!
The stars must be aligned cause @SadieHolmesxxx & @nadiawhitexxx are in town at the SAME TIME on Nov 21! If there was ever a time to give thanks, it’s now!
Order a custom feat these 2 megababes now or forever hold your peace. 2 spots left! Visit tillymcreese.com
BAE Fight: new bae Kat!
Meet our newest bae, Kat. She’s 5’2 110 and is ready to take on anyone. Ideas? Custom requests?
Let us know. BaeFight.com
Skylar Rene: November 19th custom shoot!
Epic CUSTOM VID Shoot!! Now Taking Custom Clip Orders!
Any Combo Of @AlliseaSydney @NadiaMiller82 @QueenJenMarie @Officialbigred1 @MiaAnnabella83 + male
Order ASAP at : Skylarrene@ymail.com
Power girls pro wrestling: custom shoot Dec 20th
We are still taking custom wrestling scripts for our shoot 20th December ! Email them to powergirlspro@hotmail.com